
2010年9月22日—Itoffersonlythefourmainapplications--Writer,Calc,Impress,andDraw--aschoices,leavingoutthedatabaseandequationeditor,as ...,2014年3月3日—InOOo4Kids,yougetafullfledgedproductivitysuitethatcanbeusedforhomework,tocreatecharts,andevenpresentations.Whatwelikeis ...,Thissoftwareprovidesfourdifferentspecificprograms.Theseprogramsincludeavectordrawingprogram,aspreadsheet,apresentationedito...


2010年9月22日 — It offers only the four main applications -- Writer, Calc, Impress, and Draw -- as choices, leaving out the database and equation editor, as ...


2014年3月3日 — In OOo4Kids, you get a fullfledged productivity suite that can be used for homework, to create charts, and even presentations. What we like is ...


This software provides four different specific programs. These programs include a vector drawing program, a spreadsheet, a presentation editor, and a word ...


2023年5月22日 — OOo4Kids includes four different programs: a word processor, a vector drawing program, a presentation editor and a spreadsheet, with which your ...

OOo4Kids for Windows

Easy and intuitive, that's what kids and adults need. OOo4Kids offers a word processor, photo editor, slideshow creator, spreadsheet creator and more. All of ...

OOo4Kids, the office suite for all children... and their parents

Eric: OOo4Kids is much simpler to use than the original OpenOffice. The interface is explicitly designed for children in the 7 to 12 years age range: attractive ...

OpenOffice4Kids (OOo4Kids)

2011年11月4日 — Writer remains little changed from the previous release. It's still a simple thing. My one gripe is that there's still no emphasis on styles ...


2010年2月24日 — That said, OOo4Kids makes more sense for children than any other document-writing suite, be it Microsoft, OpenOffice or else. While not perfect, ...